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Global Learning Experiences

World Kids Programme:
International Exploration Locally and Globally

World Kids programme connects our children from Hong Kong to Chatsworth Preschool (Singapore). We break the regional limitations and bring our children to Singapore where they will be immersed in the learning environment with Chatsworth students during the annual exchange programme, giving children a cultural exchange experience.

Children can find their own unique strengths and broaden their horizons through this invaluable opportunity. They will also be exposed to ideas of global citizenship, as well as international learning and exploration.

International Buddies:
Global Friendship

Children will be invited to make friends with their peers in Chatsworth Pre-school (Singapore) through video-linked classroom and VideoWall inside school.

Children will keep in touch with their international buddies frequently through featured “Online Show-And-Tell” and “Curriculum Crossover Projects”. They can gain a global mindset through exploration.

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