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Chinese Step-Up Class (中文加強課程) (K1-K3)

Chinese Step-Up Class (中文加強課程)

中文認字班 (認識字詞結構、筆順及字義)
演說訓練班 (普通話詩歌朗誦、主題演講、司儀訓練、講故事,全方位提升孩子普通話表達能力)

讓學生在輕鬆愉快的課堂氣氛, 提升學生對中文及普通話學習興趣
活動包括遊戲, 角色扮演, 聆聽故事, 增強聽說讀寫能力, 增強運用中文及普通話自信心

Course covers:
Chinese Literacy (cognitive word structure, strokes, and word meaning)
Build up presentation & public speaking skills in Mandarin
Enrich vocabulary

Course Features:
Small class size
Experienced native Chinese & Mandarin teacher
Promote children's learning interests in Chinese & Mandarin, enhance reading & speaking skills
Build up self-confidence through interactive activities, such as language games, roleplay, stroytelling time
Strengthen listening & reading skills through singing rhymes and reciting poetry in Chinese & Mandarin

Time Table
**25% Discount Off : enrolling for 3 consecutive modules

年齡:K1 - K3
日期: 星期一至五 (依學校校曆上課: Time Table)
時間: 13:00 - 14:00 (1 小時)
聯絡電話: (852) 25603322
WhatsApp: (852) 59012918

Terms and Conditions 條款及細則

1. Tuition fees paid are not refundable nor transferable to any other programme, child or sibling.

2. In inclement weather, all cases will follow the guidelines of the Education Bureau. All classes will continue to operate under Tropical Cyclone Signal 1 and the amber rainstorm warning. All classes will be cancelled when Tropical Cyclone Signal 3 or above, red, or black rainstorm warnings are issued.

3. Playgroup classes will not operate on public holidays. Other enrichment programmes will follow SDM-Chatsworth International Kindergarten’s school calendar.

4. Class cancellations due to the reasons beyond our control such as, tropical cyclone or other unforeseen circumstances will not result in fee adjustments, refund, or make-up lessons.

5. If a playgroup student is absent due to sickness, please inform us as early as possible. Upon presentation of a doctor’s sick leave certificate, a make-up class will be arranged. This arrangement is limited to once per month. Make-up classes must be taken within the month and cannot be carried over to the next month. We do not provide make up classes for other enrichment programmes.

6. To guarantee your child’s place in our programme, kindly settle the tuition fees for the next module 14 days in advance of your child’s last class.

7. Playgroup students must be accompanied by one caregiver in class.

8. SDM-Chatsworth is not responsible for personal injuries, accidents, losses or damages incurred by students or accompanying adults while in SDM-Chatsworth premises.

9. I consent to the use of photographs and videos of my child and related participants in all activities in SDMC publications and promotional materials.

10. I authorize the school to use and transfer the data / databases(s) or to such third-party service providers to SDC-Chatsworth Limited, and to archive it for the purpose of providing educational services and any other incidental purposes including maintaining such records as customary or usual for pre-kindergarten or kindergarten services or as required by the educational or other authorities.

11. The data collected in this form will be used and stored in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ord. Cap. 486 of Hong Kong.

12. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without prior written notice.

13. The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail wherever there is a discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions.

1. 在任何情況下, 所有已繳付的學費不設退款, 或轉移至其他課程或親屬。

2. 所有課堂都會根據教育局指引,於1號颱風警告信號及黃色暴雨信號下照常上課。於3號颱風警告信號或以上,紅色或黑色暴雨信號下將課堂取消。

3. Playgroup會於公眾假期休息, 其他課後增潤班會按照新加坡卓薈國際幼稚園的校曆表進行。

4. 如遇上颱風警告,衛生安全或其他本校控制範圍以外的突發情況而導致課堂取消,本校不設補課及退款,並不另行通知。

5. Playgroup 學生因病而缺課,請先以電話或WhatsApp通知校務處,課後補交醫生證明書,每月最多可安排一堂補課,補課需要安排在缺課的當月內進行,能延續到下個月。其他課堂不設補課。

6. 家長必須於最後課堂的十四天或之前預先繳付下一期學費,否則學位將不獲保留。

7. Playgroup學生必須由一位家長陪同上課。

8. 如於SDM-Chatsworth 範圍內發生任何意外或受傷,我們將不承擔任何責任或賠償。

9. 本人同意孩子及有關參加者在學校活動拍攝的照片及影片可作公開刊登及宣傳之用。

10. 本人授權學校使用和將此申請表的資料輸入至學校或相關機構的資料,並以恰當的方式在學校歸檔,以用於教育服務和配合政府教育部門的需要。

11. 本表格收集的所有資料會按照香港特別行政區法例<< 個人資料(私隱)條例>> - 486章規定下使用及儲存。

12. 如條款及細則有任何更改,恕不另行通知。

13. 此免責條款為英文版譯本,如中,英兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,以英文版本為準。

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